logo design

logo design

What is logo?
Logo Design .. Let’s start wait a bit of basics. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, logo is «a symbol that is used to identify a company and that appears on its products». Even this quite broad definition contains the obvious message: logo somehow becomes the first visual association that is brought out when people think over or hear the name of the brand. As any other visual element, logo itself can contain and transfer the message about the nature of goods or services presented by the brand, the tone and voice of company’s communication with the customers, the general brand image.

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Efficiently designed logo can definitely increase the recognizability of the brand or company which enables the business to achieve its goals, be it selling more goods, involving more customers, getting more subscribers or obtaining wider recognizability. In addition, logo is the sign that makes the product or service different from its competitors which is also an important pre-condition of the company’s fast and successful development.
Most logos look like a simple sign and that makes people think the process of its creation is fast and simple, not needing too much effort or special skills. And that is quite a mistake. Efficient logo design is a complex strategy that includes all the stages of design process and marketing process such as:
  • user research,
  • marketing research,
  • creative search,
  • choice of style direction,
  • choice of color palette,
  • testing in different sizes and environments,
  • creating a style guide setting right and wrong cases of logo use etc.
That is why a great deal of companies including startups, which only start their way in the sphere of business, prefer to trust this essential task to professional designers. Practice shows that the logo thought-out to the slightest details is the worthy investment.

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