Real Estate Logo for your business

Real Estate Logo for your business

What is Real Estate Logo?

How’s that new real estate logo coming along? Whether you’re creating a new logo from scratch or trying to figure out how to design a team logo that works well with your brokerage, you’re going to need some inspiration to get it right. After all, the quality of your logo says a lot about you and your brand and makes a first impression on potential clients.Here are some more great real estate logos that use nature themes. Notice how each natural element they use not only represents their geographic area, but also gives the logo a different feeling. This is a great example of how important nuance is to creating strong brand marks. A whale can be drawn as intimidating or imposing, but for logo, it looks friendly and almost cute. This is not accidental.

Real Estate Logo for your business

Using Nature Themes in Logos

Using nature as a theme, whether it be palm trees in Miami, seagulls in Cape Cod, or mountains in Colorado have always been used to give real estate logos a sense of place. If you use a nature theme in your logo, just make sure it either reflects your name (e.g. Two trees) or is representative of your local area.
Here are some more great logos that use nature themes. Notice how each natural element they use not only represents their geographic area, but also gives the logo a different feeling. This is a great example of how important nuance is to creating strong brand marks. A whale can be drawn as intimidating or imposing, but for logo, it looks friendly and almost cute. This is not accidental.
Are you surprised that we would include such a “boring” logo on our list? Don’t be. The whole point of a logo is to communicate something about your brand without saying a word. This can be a lot harder than it looks until you finally nail it, and then it looks totally obvious.The Equal Housing Opportunity logo does just that and does it well with the equal sign inside the house. Think of trying to navigate a foreign country. How do you know the logo for the hospital, police, and bathrooms? Someone very clever designed them so that you don’t even need to speak the language to understand them.

How to Create a Great Real Estate Logo

There is only one secret to getting a great logo and I’m going to tell it to you right now. Ready?

Hire a Professional

That’s it. While you or your cousin’s nephew’s coworker may understand how to make a logo, this is akin to attempting to cut your own hair for your wedding day just because you know how it’s done. I think we can all agree that although it may not be a complete disaster, your special day is far too important to leave in the hands of an amateur.

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